Health, Safety and Security

Technology Considerations

Traveling internationally with laptops or other technology? Here are a few tips to help things go smoothly. If you purchase a local SIM card to use with your phone, DUO 2FA will consider that a different device. You will need to re-register your phone with the new number. Use IT’s How-Tos to register or submit […]

Stage 2

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act policy (FCPA)

Washington University in St. Louis FCPA (Anti-Corruption Policy) 1. Overview The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) was enacted in 1977 in order to halt improper payments to foreign officials, restore public confidence in the U.S. business system, and promote more reliable foreign legal environments. The FCPA prohibits corrupt payments to foreign officials for the purpose of obtaining or […]

Policies and Guidance

Export Control for international travelers

United States export control laws may place restrictions on WHAT travelers send overseas (both shipped or hand carried), WHERE they travel to, WHO they meet, and the END USE of items exported. Are you bringing equipment, materials (e.g. biologicals) or technology on your international travel (other than laptop and cell phone)? Are you shipping items […]

Stage 2

International Travel Policy

The International Travel Policy has been adopted to ensure a consistent set of travel standards to be followed by all units of the university. The policy applies to all international travel that is sponsored, is funded in any part, or involves the granting of degree credits by Washington University in St. Louis.

Stage 2

MyTrips Instructions

Follow the steps below to set up your MyTrips traveler profile or add a new trip to your existing profile.

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