Students with enrollment effective dates before June 1, 2017 will be covered under HTH Worldwide plan benefits and rates for the duration of their travel. For additional information, including a complete list of program/policy services, benefits and exclusions, go to the WUSTL member web sites cited above in the Registration and Access to Benefits/Services box.
Review services by plan
Health Insurance/ Evacuation Services
Who is Covered?
(Offered to individuals up to age 81)
- All employees
- Accompanying spouse/dependent children
Participant enrollment required?
Blanket policy – you are covered without any action of your own
Premium cost to eligible participants?
None – Premium Paid by Washington University
Registration and access to benefits and services
Coverage is automatic. Register at to access full GeoBlue travel resources and locate qualified providers and hospitals. Use WUSTL Group Access Code QHG99999WUBT.
What is covered by the plan/ program?
- Medical expenses at 100% of reasonable expenses up to $250,000 maximum benefit per trip coverage period including physician office visits, inpatient hospital services, emergency hospital services, ambulatory surgical center, outpatient clinic and outpatient prescription drugs;
- Repatriation of remains $50,000;
- Bedside visit $5,000;
- Medical evacuation $250,000
- Political security and natural disaster evacuation services to participant’s home country up to $100,000
Health Insurance/ Evacuation Services
Who is Covered?
- All employees traveling in direct support of students
- Undergraduate students
- Graduate students
- Clinical fellows, residents, and postdoctoral research appointees
- Accompanying spouse/dependent children
Participant enrollment required?
Required for all students
Recommended for accompanying spouse/dependents
Premium cost to eligible participants?
Weekly rates $11.65 for Participants (up
to Age 74), Spouse $37.55, Child $18.20,
Children $36.40
Registration and access to benefits and services
- Undergraduates participating in A&S, Olin and Sam Fox for semester/ academic year programs are roster enrolled
- All others must self-enroll online at by entering WUSTL ID: KXW-37937 and paying with a credit card
What is covered by the plan/ program?
- Medical expenses at 100% of reasonable expenses up to $250,000 maximum benefit during enrollment period including physician office visits, inpatient hospital services, emergency hospital services, hospital and physician outpatient services and outpatient prescription drugs;
- Accidental death and dismemberment $10,000;
- Repatriation of remains $50,000;
- Bedside visit $10,000;
- Medical evacuation $250,000;
- Political security and natural disaster evacuation services to participant’s home country up to $100,000.
Global Assistance Program/ Evacuation Services
Who is Covered?
- All employees
- Clinical fellows
- Postdoctoral research appointees
- Trustees
- Undergraduate students
- Graduate students
- Volunteers
- Accompanying spouse/dependent
children of employees
Participant enrollment required?
Blanket membership program – you are covered without any action of your own
Premium cost to eligible participants?
None – Premium Paid by Washington University
Registration and access to benefits and services
Membership is automatic. Register at and enter WUSTL Membership number 11BSGC000032 in Member Login for WUSTL Home Page to register trip details and access member travel resources.
What is covered by the plan/ program?
- Medical evacuation services expenses (if covered by the GeoBlue policy) are sent to GeoBlue for payment;
- Program travel resources including country guides, online medical and security reports;
- Sign-up for country health and safety email alerts and download free Assistance application on WUSTL Home Page;
- Assistance Center services include pre-travel advice, loss of travel documents while abroad and emergency evacuation services