The point of contact (POC) document is designed to provide information and assistance to our students and faculty who are engaged in international educational opportunities. The POC provides regulatory, logistical and point-of-contact information of university offices for students and faculty to contact regarding international resources.

Accounting Services

Payroll, Payroll Tax Issues

Kacey Pennington
International Payroll Specialist


  • Handles questions related to payroll taxes and tax treaties
  • All other payroll inquiries should go to
Taxes – Business Related

Angie Leahy
Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance & Controller


  • Assists in determining if external programs or activities have tax implications for the school/university
  • Assists in the proper filings/remittances of any tax liability that may occur internationally
Taxes Expense Policy

Christopher Schaefer
Manager of Accounts Payable


  • Assists with WashU travel policy questions
  • Assists filling out reports (paper and digital) for international travel

Financial Services

International Funding

Ariel Brown
Senior Assistant Director, Student Financial Services


  • Explanation of how student’s financial assistance award can be used for abroad studies
  • Provide resources of available funds for international travel
  • Notary services for required documents for study abroad programs

Human Resources

Hiring, Benefits, Employee Agreements and Employment Issues

Sara Wright
Senior Director, HR Compliance


  • Assists with hiring, employee agreements and benefits procurement

Human Resources Protection Office

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Cindy Brantmeier
Faculty Fellow, International Research
Office of Vice Chancellor for Research


  • Consults on regulatory requirements when conducting human subjects research outside the US prior to submitting to WashU IRB

Mitchell Saulisbury-Robertson
Assistant Director of Social Behavioral Research and Expedited Review


  • Review and approval of human subjects research protocols conducted internationally

Erin Higgs
Expedited Review Specialist


  • Review and approval of human subjects research protocols conducted internationally

Insurance and Risk Management

Medical Malpractice Coverage, Danforth Campus

Dawn Pesti
Director, Risk Management


  • Provides WashU-sponsored medical practice coverage for students or faculty when traveling internationally
Medical Malpractice Coverage, Medical Campus

Lynn Haigler
Director of Insurance & Risk Management


  • Provides WashU-sponsored medical practice coverage for students or faculty when traveling internationally

Office for International Student Engagement

Orientation, programming, Community engagement

Evelyn Real
Director, Office for International Student Engagement


  • Assists with international student programming, advocacy and cultural enrichment

Office for International Students & Scholars (OISS)

immigration sponsorship & advisement

Geet Vanaik
Executive Director


  • University wide immigration compliance for international students, scholars and employees.
OISS advising

Office Contact


  • OISS team of advisers supports international students and scholars with regard to immigration status, immigration documents, work authorization, and more. See the Find my OISS Adviser resource for current adviser assignments.

Office of the University Registrar

Verifying Enrollment, Degree and Credits, Danforth Campus

Keri Disch
University Registrar


  • Verification point for enrollment and degrees
  • Administrator for student records, data and systems, primarily maintained in SIS (Student Information System)
Verifying Enrollment, Degree and Credits, Medical Campus

Michael Donlan
Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs


  • Verification point for enrollment and degrees

Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research

Research Topics

Melanie Roewe
Associate Vice Chancellor for Research Development & Contracts


  • Responsible for university-wide research policies, procedures, operations, support infrastructure and educational programs
  • Serves as a resource for institutional strategic research planning and development
Export Controls

Hollie Noia
Manager, Research, Compliance & Integrity


  • Advises faculty/employees if WashU-owned equipment is controlled for export to the proposed country of destination
  • Advises faculty/employees if the contents of any proposed presentation abroad would violate the export control laws
  • Advises faculty/employees if WashU-generated data/research results is controlled for export to the proposed country of destination
  • Screens individuals and institutions for presence on restricted party lists
Sponsored Projects – Accounting

Joseph Gindhart
Assistant Vice Chancellor & Director, Sponsored Projects Accounting


  • Compliance with Fly America Act (required use of US Flag air carriers)
  • Provides assistance in determining allowability, allocability and reasonableness of international travel
  • Proper documentation of international travel (receipts, foreign exchange rates, etc.)

Resource Management

Purchasing Abroad

Christopher Doyle
Associate Director of Resource Management


  • Assists travelers who encounter travel-related issues with contracted airlines/hotels
  • Maintains WashU procurement conflict of interest policy relating to faculty/staff travelers

Angela Lochmann
Senior Contract Management Liaison


  • Provides assistance in arranging for shipping packages as imports/exports

Student Health Services

Student Health Issues, Danforth Campus

Habif Health and Wellness Center


  • Provides medical services, including evaluation/treatment of illness and injuries as well as preventative care
  • Oversees mental health services and assists students in resolving personal and interpersonal difficulties
  • Provides health promotion services program regarding information on issues and topics affecting academic success
Student Health Issues, Medical Campus

Karen Winters, MD
Professor of Medicine


  • Meets with students (medical students only) to complete health screening at least one month prior to international travel
Student Health Insurance, Danforth

Habif Health and Wellness Center


  • Offers affordable medical insurance plan
  • Confirms current student health insurance plans for all full-time, degree-seeking students
Student Health Insurance, Medical

Office of Student Health Service


  • Confirms immunizations are up to date before traveling abroad
  • Provides necessary medications and counseling before international travel

The Graduate Center

graduate and professional student resources across all schools

Jessica Klingler Cissell
Director of Graduate Programming and The Graduate Center


  • Provides a centrally-located hub for graduate and professional students
  • Encourages students to foster a sense of interdisciplinary thinking among their peers. 
  • Empowers students to develop and practice leadership skills

Treasury Services

Bank Accounts, Foreign Currency, Foreign Financial Institutions, Wire Transfers

Amye Kim
Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance & Treasurer


  • Assists departments with coordinating international transfers of funds transfers and working with foreign financial institutions
  • Provides information on access and use of foreign currency
  • Evaluates requests for any university-associated foreign bank accounts
  • Advises on currency hedging alternatives and possibilities

University Compliance Office

Internal Controls, Fraud Issues and Compliance Issues

Gail Peters
Executive Director of Compliance and Audit


  • Maintains university hotline for reporting WashU-related suspected cases of fraud, ethics violations or violations of WashU compliance
  • Maintains WashU code of conduct
  • Coordinates with and monitors the university’s area-specific compliance offices
  • Assists with questions regarding acceptance of business meals, business entertainment or gifts from vendors

University Global Travel

Travel Safety

Sara Ender
Global Travel Safety Manager


  • Provides resources for safe international travel

University Marketing & Communications

Media Relations

Susan Killenberg McGinn
Assistant Vice Chancellor for News and Media Relations


  • Provides media relations services

Washington University Schools

Arts & Sciences

Andy Wiegert
Director, Graduate Student Affairs
Graduate Studies

Amy Suelzer
Director of Overseas Programs
Undergraduate Studies/Study Abroad

Overseas Programs Office

Brown School

Tammy Orahood
Director, Global Programs

Lindsay Stark
Associate Dean of Global Strategy and Programs

McKelvey School of Engineering

Melanie Osborn
Senior Assistant Dean, Undergraduate Studies

Teresa Sarai
Assistant Dean for International Relations
International partnerships and research agreements

Olin Business School

Sara Stratton
Associate Director of Global Programs and Advising
Undergraduate Global Programs

Andrew Knight
Vice Dean of Education and Globalization
Graduate Global Programs & Institutional Partnerships

Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts

Courtney Cushard
Coordinator for Special Programs

School of Law

Rachael Johnson
International and Graduate Program Coordinator

School of Medicine

Caline Mattar, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine