Mechanical metamaterials are materials that are designed to have specific properties, such as being able to bend or twist in certain ways. Guy Genin, Harold and Kathleen Faught Professor of Mechanical Engineering at McKelvey School of Engineering, along with collaborative researchers from Tsinghua University, a McDonnell International Scholars Academy partner, are studying how these materials can be used to store and process information.

Mechanical metamaterials are finding application in data storage with benefits such as immunity to degradation and hacker protection.

If a thief steals your USB flash drive and has the computational resources, the thief can eventually crack your encrypted data by trying code after code after code. With [this experiment], the data becomes irreversibly scrambled or erased the fist time a thief makes a bad guess.

Guy Genin
Harold and Kathleen Faught Professor of Mechanical Engineering
and co-author published in Advanced Science